Crunch time! Palin supporters need to be Patient and see this through.

Its Crunch time with a little over a month away from Florida and South Carolina's filing deadlines the pressure is on and people are getting antsy including Palin Supporters.  With RINO Chris Christie putting to rest the rumors that he was going to make a run of it, now all eyes are on Sarah Palin. Some people including Sarah Palin supporters are insisting she has to announce today because she in the past said August/September. I say the dynamics of the race have changed what has she always said? "That field is not yet settled". With Perry's decline the race has changed, but the field should be settled enough by the 15th of October after the next debate in New Hampshire and Palin's South Korea trip but before the debate in Nevada. Palin will announce when the time is right and on her terms and in accordance with the laws of the 50 states. To those jumping ship because she hasn't announced or didn't announce on your terms by your arbitrary deadline. Shame on you that you have so little patience for the woman that will bring a Restoration of America to its Greatness that in the 9th inning you abandon her when she needs our support the most. These turncoats are like the offensive line in the 4th quarter of the Super Bowl leaving their Quarterbacks blind side open for the opposing team. Now is not the time to give up, now is the time to Get Ready for the rally of the century. In a time of war would you retreat and leave your General to carry on the fight alone? I would certainly hope not. I wouldn't, I would stay and fight. Sarah Palin is so much more than the latest flavor of the week; first it was Cain, then Bachmann, most recently Perry, and now back to Cain again meanwhile Romney is cruising to the nomination because of all these bandwagon jumpers jumping to the next big thing every two weeks as the political winds change. Sarah Palin transcends this, she is the Ace Pitcher the Closer in the Bottom of the 9th inning, she is the star Quarterback rallying her team to a 4th quarter comeback for the ages, she is that wise General on the battlefield leading her troops to victory. She is the Candidate, the President, and the LEADER we have been looking for all these years. One constant in this silly season is that Sarah Palin is the favored choice of the people and all the attack ads in the world aren't going to change this fact.
Thus in conclusion now is NOT the time to panic or worry. Now is the time to be Ready, to Prepare, and most importantly now is the time for Action as the moment we have long awaited for draws near. We have waited 3 years for this whats another day, a week, at most a month. We can handle it. Be patient and Keep the Faith!

Palin All the Way!!!!


The Mama Grizzly and The Iron Lady

As many of you know Governor Sarah Palin greatly admires former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
I believe that Sarah Palin is the America's Margaret Thatcher. And heres why:
Margaret Thatcher nicknamed "the Iron Lady" for her stern tough convictions representing conservative values of less government and fiscal responsibility.
Sarah Palin known as the "Mama Grizzly" for her fierce convictions and family values such as the support for Pro Life and Education Reform, Energy Reform, and Fiscal Responsibility through reduced spending and taxes plus limited government for job creation to the benefit of working families.
Thatcher was the first Female Prima Minister of Great Britain.
Sarah Palin was the first Female VP Candidate for the GOP and she will be the first Female President of the United States of America.
The Establishment Elite mocked Thatcher's appearance and her voice and was deemed unfit to lead, but with her Iron will and determination she proved them all wrong and led Britain into prosperity.
Now the Establishment mock Sarah Palin's appearance, her clothes, her voice, and say she is stupid and unelectable, but Sarah Palin has proven them wrong before and will do so again in 2012.
In conclusion Governor Sarah Palin like Lady Thatcher will prove to be a Great Leader for her country. In short Palin will do for America what Thatcher did for Britain and then some.

Palin 2012


5 Reasons Sarah Palin is waiting to make it Official

In follow up to my blog "18 Signs of a Palin Stealth Presidential Campaign" the following are the main reasons I think that Sarah Palin has waited to make it official:
5. She is unconvential and conforms to nobody's timeline for when a candidate she get in the race. She will announce on her terms but in respect for state laws to be on the ballot. Note that the same people that say it is too late for Sarah Palin are screaming for Governor Chris Christie of NJ to get in the race with their boys Romney and Perry faltering and Huntsman and Gingrich total flops, with T Paw knocked out last month, the establishment is scrambling for a candidate. So if it is not too late for the Fat RINO from Jersey than it is not too late for Sarah Palin.
4. Money. Sarah Palin has wisely stayed on the sidelines while still shaping the debate and not having to spend any of her treasure on a campaign yet while her opponants have been raising and spending money for months some of which are running low on cash. Only the waelthy Huntsman and Romney are in good shape since they have their own personal fortunes to tap.
3. She is a wise Strategist and has smartly avoided the Political circus of the early debates and straw polls which serve as nothing more than political theater for pundits to opine about it is still early in the process with the first primaries still months away.
2. She is allowing the other candidates to get vetted. If Palin were officially in the race all the focus and attention would be on her and none of the other candidates would get vetted. This way by the time she enters everyone will know how lackluster the candidates are, and they would have spent months destroying eachother and then comes Palin the candidate everyone has been waiting for, the most vetted candidate in history. After 2008 when the least vetted candidate in history was elected President, Sarah Palin has learned from the mistakes of Hillary Clinton and John McCain and will make sure her opponants are fully vetted by the media and the public.
1. Lastly and most importantly is her Family. With her family being her top priority by waiting she insures that they don't have to endure an unnecessary lengthy campaign.
In conclusion with these 5 reasons Palin shows herself to be an astute and wise strategist and will make a Brilliant President in 2012.


Signs of a Palin Stealth Campaign for President

I have observed a number of strong signs that Sarah Palin is running a Stealth Campaign for President and they are as follows:
18. The Governor has visited India, Israel, and will be giving a speech on American Leadership in South Korea next month, looks to me like a candidate getting familiar with foreign policy.
17. Sarah Palin wrote two Best Selling books Going Rogue and America By Heart and had two successfull book tours, which saw thousands line up to meet the Governor and former VP candidate.
16. She has 4 million followers and fans on her Facebook and Twitter, she is a force online with massive Net Roots ready and waiting to answer the call.
15. SarahPAC! The Governor has her own Political Action Commitee to raise funds for a campaign obviously she didn't form it for just the heck of it.
14. Sarah Palin has been a front line critic of Obama's Policies with her comments on FOX, her Facebook Essays, etc. She has been ahead of the curve for 3 years now.
13. Her speech at Restoring Honor last year where she spoke in front of a million people.
12. She proved to be a force at the ballot box in 2010 with a solid majority of her endorsed candidates winning their races, she was a major factor in the Republicans BIG night.
11. She turned down TLC for a 2nd season even though they offered her $9 million. The show would have been airing starting in November, with election rules stating that a candidate can't be on such shows since it is free advertising for said candidate, why would she turn down that money if she weren't running?
10. Her Wisconsin Speech where she challenged GOP leadership and Obama with the words "Game On"
9. The Palin Doctrine. When Governor Palin issued her 5 point foreign/military policy she proved she is running since non candidates don't do that.
8. One Nation Bus Tour. With riding across the country and visiting landmarks and primary states, this is a very campaign like move.
7. The Undefeated. The documentary 2 hour movie about Sarah Palin which debuted in the first 3 primary states before the rest of the country, set for DVD release on October 4th, this movie re introduces Palin to America and sets the Record straight.
6. Her visit to the Iowa state fair where she made it clear that she does not foresee a Perry vs Romney final 2
5. Iowa Speech on September 3rd and New Hampshire Speech on Labor Day where she used alot of  "R" branding using words like Restore, Renew, Rebuild, Replace, Return, and Reform throughout her speechs. This clever technique that only a mom would know proves that she is a serious candidate.
4. Also in those two speechs she layed out a 5 point Economic Platform that would bring jobs back to America. Non candidates would not do this.
3. Also she has excoriated what she calls the "Permanant Political Class" for their Pay for Play Schemes and Crony Capitalism. In this attack she speaks about both Republicans and Democrats who curry favors for campaign cash. In Iowa she explicitly stated that  "I can't be bought!" She would not make this statement and then turn around and play kingmaker for one of these people.
2. She also stated that in her campaign she would NOT hire some political hack out of DC to say nice things about her on TV. Proving once again that she will not be a politician running for President BUT an American Citizen called to serve as President.

1. And the number one sign that she is running is that she has done nothing to discourage her supporters from Organizing groups like Organize4Palin, Youth for Palin, etc. And her family is behind her 100% including the Heaths who wouldn't let her lead people on. The fact that they were on her show and in the movie proves that she is serious as Sarah Palin would not allow people to organize on her behalf if she weren't running.

In conclusion Sarah Palin is running a brilliant Stealth Campaign for President of the United States of America all that remains is for the Mama Grizzly to make it official and announce that she is in fact running for President. A moment that Palinistas everywhere have been waiting 3 years for is close at hand. 

Palin 4 President 2012


Sarah Palin Out of Nowhere!

This week on Wednesday September 28th, 2011 Frank Aquila author of the book "Sarah Palin Out of Nowhere" will be a guest on my BlogTalkRadio Show the Radical Edge. Be sure to Tune in at 11 AM Eastern Time/8 AM Pacific as I interview Frank.

The Call in number for the show: 626-213-5618
Feel free to join me in the Chat as well.

Join the Conversation and Tune in.

Former McCain chairman explains why he lobbied for Governor Palin as vice president
“Sarah Palin Out of Nowhere” by Frank A. Aquila attempts to be a handbook to assist conservatives in their fight against what he feels is the liberal direction of America
MANTECA, Calif. – When Frank A. Aquila started the political grassroots organization South San Joaquin Republicans, he didn’t expect to become the county chairman for Senator John McCain’s 2008 political run. His new position put him in contact with several political powerhouses and allowed him to lobby for Governor Sarah Palin to be on the 2008 presidential ticket. Aquila details why he lobbied for the famed politician, the concern he has for America and his hopes for the future of America in “Sarah Palin Out of Nowhere” (ISBN 1463640390).
Aquila, a major supporter of Palin on the presidential ticket, shares his unedited correspondence with the McCain campaign before it was announced that Palin would be his running mate. Aquila explains how she lit up the presidential ticket with her qualities that he compares to former President Ronald Reagan.
The author doesn’t ignore the Palin backlash, but rather approaches it head on, and explains why the media has been so hostile to Governor Palin and other conservatives. He compares and contrasts the media’s perception of Palin versus President Barack Obama. Aquila analyzes Obama’s plans for the future, while explaining Palin’s and the Tea Party’s hopes for small government that American’s founding fathers established centuries ago.
“I interject my own thoughts on hot topics affecting America in various letters throughout the work,” Aquila says. “I share my predictions for the 2012 election, and what I think will be best for this country’s future. Some readers will agree with me, others will not, but my goal is to provide an accurate depiction of Governor Palin.”
Author and journalist Joan Swirsky states, “Aquila’s efforts helped catapult an amazing but relatively unknown political figure onto the national and international stage, and introduced the entire world to perhaps the most exciting political figure to come along in generations. Aquila wants everyone who reads his book to know that every person can do the same.”
Aquila believes that “Sarah Palin Out of Nowhere” has the information and tools necessary to inform conservatives how to fight back against the liberal media. He hopes that his expose of President Obama and his plans for America inspires readers to think further about their decisions for future elections.
“Sarah Palin Out of Nowhere” is available for sale online at and other channels.
About the Author:
Frank A. Aquila currently serves as the president of the South San Joaquin Republicans, an organization he founded to network area conservatives to get involved in the political process and meet their area representatives. Through this organization, he met former President George W. Bush and has had the opportunity to moderate congressional forums and organize an event for Gold Star military families. He also served as the California delegate for the Republican Party for his county through which he became the San Joaquin County chairman of Senator John McCain’s presidential run in 2008. 

What is the Significance of Halloween?

There has been alot of speculation on when Sarah Palin will announce that she is running for President. The only ones that can answer this question are Sarah, her husband Todd, and God. One thing I can tell you is that she will announce by Halloween.
What makes October 31st so special you ask? Well it is the state of Florida's deadline to file in order for candidates to be on that states ballot. South Carolina's is the next day on November 1st. Every states primary is important so in order for any candidate to compete they have to be on the ballots of every state that is why I say she will announce by Halloween. So my fellow Palinistas our wait is almost over.

Palin 2012


Sarah Palin getting smeared by our own?

Last week new smear book about Sarah Palin was released by Joe McGinnis and in this book he claims that the Governor has done drugs and had an affair with NBA player Glenn Rice, the media especially the tabloids have hyped and glommed onto this latest hit job on Sarah Palin's character. Obviously as a conservative and a Palin supporter we have come to expect this from the media but last week something totally unexpected happened.
On Glenn Becks new 2 hour program on his online subscription network GBTV comedian Brian Sack made reference to the new smear book and then proceeded to make tasteless jokes about it himself. I was appalled at what I saw and I certainly didn't expect this from Glenn Becks show. This attempt at humor has backfired on Glenn big time and angered Palin supporters everywhere. We are not being thin skinned when we get angry about things like this, we are used to attacks but for tasteless jokes like this to come from someone we have trusted is hurtful. Surely Palin makes fun of herself all the time but this wasn't what happened, Sack piled onto the lame jokes about the new smear book of the Governor. I expect more from Glenn Beck and hope he makes things right and apologizes. We expect it from the Left but not our own.


Waiting for the Sarah Palin Train to get rolling to the White House in 2012

There has been a lot of hype surrounding Sarah Palin and when she will announce that she is running for President. The most recent speculation was that she would announce on the Bob and Mark show this past Friday. It was leaked out, that she would in fact be on the show, it was hyped by several media sources. Every Palin supporter everywhere was excited and why not?  The moment we have been waiting for was finally going to happen right?
Well the show came on air the two hosts at first denied that she would be on then later said that Sarah would be on the show, they hyped it and milked it to the very end keeping her supporters in suspense. Then finally she was supposed to be coming on Next, the time came and Sarah called in and said she was running.....Only one problem though, it wasn't Governor Sarah Palin it was some dude pretending to be Sarah.  This was a publicity stunt for ratings and even more so a cruel joke pulled on millions of Palinistas across the country. In my opinion these two should apologize for their actions.
So the wait continues and so does the speculation.  We need to stop hyping certain days, getting everyone's hopes up only to be let down when Sarah herself NEVER confirmed any of it.
For those of you that are worried that it is too late for Sarah remember that Ronald Reagan didn't announce until November 13th, 1979 and he won in a huge landslide the following year. Now things have changed and filing deadlines have been moved up with the more front loaded primaries but Governor Sarah Palin still has until Halloween to announce and be on the ballot in every state. I will not speculate on when Sarah will announce only that it will be soon and when we least expect it. And when she does announce it will send shockwaves throughout the GOP Race and the political world. Keep the Faith.

Palin 2012


3 BIG Reasons Why Sarah Palin Must Run for President in 2012

As we all patiently await Sarah Palin's announcement on her Presidential bid, let me ponder what the field of contenders for the GOP Nomination would look like without our beloved Governor from Alaska

The Final 3 in the GOP Race without Sarah:

"The Crony Capitalist"
First up we have the current "Front Runner" Governor Rick Perry of Texas
Credentials: 3rd Term as Governor of the largest Red State
Positives: Executive Experience, Job Growth in state during his Tenure
Negatives: Gardasil Mandate, Crony Capitalism, Weak on Illegal Immigration, Friendly with Islam.
Conclusion: Rick Perry can NOT be trusted as the GOP nominee to face Barack Obama in the 2012 Election. We can't pit a Crony Capitalist against the Crony Socialist.
The Result: In a head to head against Obama there is a 75% chance that Perry loses and Obama gets elected to a 2nd term.

"The  Establishment Choice"
Next we have the heir apparant, the next in line; Mitt Romney former Governor of Massachusetts. The Front Runner until Perry's entry Mitt has slipped into 2nd place but many in the established Political Class still love him because after all he is supposed to be Mr. Electable.
Credentials:  Governor and a Businessman.
Positives:  Executive Experience and has managed a budget with experience turning things around like he did for the Olympics.
Negatives: RomneyCare, Ethanol Subsidies, Believes in Climate Change, Crony Capitalist, Status Quo Politician
Conclusion: We can NOT allow the media to select our candidate again and risk a repeat of 2008 in 2012.
The Result: In a head to head with Obama there is 90% Chance Romney loses and Obama gets Re elected.

"The Crazy Elf"
And lastly we have Congressman Ron Paul, he isn't really a contender BUT he just doesn't know when to pack it in so he will be among the final 3 standing should Palin not get in. Ron Paul has been in Congress for two decades without a single accomplishment to his name. His signature issue is the Fed which he has done nothing on in all his years.
Negatives: His Foreign Policy is ignorant and dangerous, His Social Policies are insane, and overall he is a fraud and hypocrite as he is a HUGE Pork spender.
Conclusion: Facing Ron Paul would be Obama's Dream Matchup as the Conservative base would not come out for Ron Paul.
The Result: Ron Paul has zero chance of winning and there is 100% chance of a landslide victory for Obama.

In conclusion Sarah Palin MUST Run for President otherwise we end up with the 3 Stooges to pick from for our nominee. Whether Sarah announces today or two weeks from now doesn't matter as long as she does and wins.

Palin 4 the Win 2012

Sarah Palin for the People!

Governor Sarah Palin is the ONLY Candidate that can say she is against the special interests of Big Business, Big Labor, and Big Government. And she is the ONLY one that can authentically reach out to blue collar union workers with success and here is why:
In my speech on Saturday in Iowa, I said: “Between bailouts for Wall Street cronies and stimulus projects for union bosses’ security and ‘green energy’ giveaways, [Barack Obama] took care of his friends. And now they’re on course to raise a billion dollars for his re-election bid so that they can do it all over again.” This was shamefully on display yesterday at President Obama’s taxpayer-funded campaign rally in Detroit. In introducing the President, Teamsters President James Hoffa represented precisely what I was talking about as he declared war on concerned independent Americans and on the freshman members we sent to Congress last November by saying, “Let’s take these son-of-a-bitches out!”

What I say now, I say as a proud former union member and the wife, daughter, and sister of union members. So, as a former card-carrying IBEW sister married to a proud former Laborers, IBEW, and later USW member, please hear me out. What I have to say is for the hard working, patriotic, selfless union brothers and sisters in Michigan and throughout our country: Please don’t be taken in by union bosses’ thuggery like Jim Hoffa represented yesterday. Union bosses like this do not have your best interests at heart. What they care about is their own power and re-electing their friend Barack Obama so he will take care of them to the detriment of everyone else.

To the same degree Americans are concerned about irresponsible, greedy corporate execs who got cushy bonuses from taxpayer-funded bailouts, we should also be concerned about greedy union bosses who are willing to tank our economy just to protect their own power. As union history shows, power and greed corrupt. Just because you claim to represent union members doesn’t mean you are on the side of the angels. The greed of too many of these union bosses has all but destroyed the labor movement in this country, helped chase away our jobs, and is killing the American dream.

To see where this leads, look at what’s happening to the working class in our industrialized cities. These cities are going to hell in a hand basket thanks to corruption, crony capitalism, and the union bosses’ greed. The union bosses derive their power from your union dues and their promise to deliver your votes to whichever politician they’re in bed with. They get their power from you, and yet their actions ultimately hurt you. They’re chasing American industry offshore by making outrageous, economically illogical demands that they know will never work. And now that they’ve chased jobs out of union states, they’re trying to chase them out of right-to-work states like South Carolina, so eventually the jobs will leave America altogether. But these union bosses will still figure out a way to keep their gig, and so will their politically aligned corporate friends. As long as these big corporations have a good crony capitalist in the White House, they can rely on DC to bail them out until the whole system goes bankrupt, which, I am afraid, is not very far off. When big government, big business, and big union bosses collude together, they get government to maximize their own interests against those of the rest of the country.

So, now these union bosses are desperately trying to cast the grassroots Tea Party Movement as being “against the workingman.” How outrageously wrong this unapologetic Jim Hoffa is, for the people’s movement is the real movement for working class men and women. It’s rooted in real solidarity, and not special interests and corporate kickbacks. It represents the needed reform that will empower workers and job creators. We stand with the little guy against the corruption and influence peddling of those who collude to grease the wheels of government power.

This collusion is at the heart of Obama’s economic vision for America. In practice it is socialism for the very rich and the very poor, but a brutal form of capitalism for the rest of us. It is socialism for the very poor who are reduced to a degrading perpetual dependence on a near-bankrupt centralized government to provide their every need, while at the same time robbing them of that which brings fulfillment and success – the life-affirming pride that comes from taking responsibility for your own destiny and building a better life through self-initiative and work ethic. And Obama’s vision is socialism via crony capitalism for the very rich who continue to get bailouts, debt-ridden “stimulus” funds, and special favors that allow them to waive off or help draft the burdensome regulations that act as a boot on the neck to small business owners who don’t have the same friends in high places. And where does this collusion leave working class Americans and the small business owners who create 70% of the jobs in this country? Out in the cold. It’s you and your children who are left paying for the cronyism of Obama and our permanent political class in DC.

Ask yourself if the folks you heard demonize concerned, independent Americans yesterday really speak for the working class when they’re all too happy to burden your families with the bill to bail out the President’s friends on Wall Street.

We should not forget that for all his lofty rhetoric, President Obama is a Chicago politician. Graft, cronyism, and quid pro quo are the well-known methods of an infamous Chicago political machine, of which Barack Obama emerged. This corruption isn’t just the result of a few bad apples. It’s the nature of a skewed system that’s typical of one not allowing a level playing field. If one desires opportunity for all, then the only solution is sudden and relentless reform. I know of what I speak. I too served in public office in a state that had a corruption problem. The difference is that I fought the corrupt political machine. Barack Obama used the machine in his state to advance. He never challenged it. And he’s evidently brought the same Chicago “pay-to-play” practices to the White House.

It’s sad to see much of the labor movement fall lock step behind a President whom Hoffa calls upon to partner in “waging war” against patriotic Americans. I will never forget that as a governor, in trying to be a friend to the working men and women in our unions, I gave a speech on August 27, 2008, at the annual AFL-CIO meeting in Anchorage. There, union members humbled me with a standing ovation for fighting the corruption in Alaska and for bringing parties together for progress on energy development projects. Then just two days later I landed on the national stage as John McCain’s running mate, and the union leadership turned on me from that day forward even though I had not changed one iota in my plans, principles, vision, and commitment to jobs for working class Americans. The only difference was I was challenging the politician the union bosses were committed to electing. It was almost comical, this lesson learned with their new spots revealed so quickly.

Recently someone commented: “I’m a union member. I’ve been a Democrat all my life. Now I’ll vote for anyone with a plan to save America.” I know what that person is feeling. I want all good union brothers and sisters to know that there is an alternative. The grassroots, independent Tea Party Movement articulates a real alternative rooted in free men and free markets, not the cronyism of Barack Obama and the permanent political class in DC. Their cronyism is why we have no job growth, massive unsustainable debt, and a housing market in the tank. Too many politicians are simply addressing the economic symptoms instead of fighting the underlying disease. The path forward is through reform. On Saturday, I outlined some ideas about that reform, and I will continue to do so. In the meantime, good union brothers and sisters, don’t let Hoffa tell you what to do. He doesn’t represent the real interests of working men and women. He’s not doing you any favors. He’s just living off your paychecks.

- Sarah Palin

The above was posted by Governor Sarah Palin on her Facebook and it illustrates how much she GETS IT. She is the champion of the little guy because she is ONE of US. She understands our struggles more than the other candidates do because she doesn't come from money and she has been through them herself.

Sarah Palin Champion of the People

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