Signs of a Palin Stealth Campaign for President

I have observed a number of strong signs that Sarah Palin is running a Stealth Campaign for President and they are as follows:
18. The Governor has visited India, Israel, and will be giving a speech on American Leadership in South Korea next month, looks to me like a candidate getting familiar with foreign policy.
17. Sarah Palin wrote two Best Selling books Going Rogue and America By Heart and had two successfull book tours, which saw thousands line up to meet the Governor and former VP candidate.
16. She has 4 million followers and fans on her Facebook and Twitter, she is a force online with massive Net Roots ready and waiting to answer the call.
15. SarahPAC! The Governor has her own Political Action Commitee to raise funds for a campaign obviously she didn't form it for just the heck of it.
14. Sarah Palin has been a front line critic of Obama's Policies with her comments on FOX, her Facebook Essays, etc. She has been ahead of the curve for 3 years now.
13. Her speech at Restoring Honor last year where she spoke in front of a million people.
12. She proved to be a force at the ballot box in 2010 with a solid majority of her endorsed candidates winning their races, she was a major factor in the Republicans BIG night.
11. She turned down TLC for a 2nd season even though they offered her $9 million. The show would have been airing starting in November, with election rules stating that a candidate can't be on such shows since it is free advertising for said candidate, why would she turn down that money if she weren't running?
10. Her Wisconsin Speech where she challenged GOP leadership and Obama with the words "Game On"
9. The Palin Doctrine. When Governor Palin issued her 5 point foreign/military policy she proved she is running since non candidates don't do that.
8. One Nation Bus Tour. With riding across the country and visiting landmarks and primary states, this is a very campaign like move.
7. The Undefeated. The documentary 2 hour movie about Sarah Palin which debuted in the first 3 primary states before the rest of the country, set for DVD release on October 4th, this movie re introduces Palin to America and sets the Record straight.
6. Her visit to the Iowa state fair where she made it clear that she does not foresee a Perry vs Romney final 2
5. Iowa Speech on September 3rd and New Hampshire Speech on Labor Day where she used alot of  "R" branding using words like Restore, Renew, Rebuild, Replace, Return, and Reform throughout her speechs. This clever technique that only a mom would know proves that she is a serious candidate.
4. Also in those two speechs she layed out a 5 point Economic Platform that would bring jobs back to America. Non candidates would not do this.
3. Also she has excoriated what she calls the "Permanant Political Class" for their Pay for Play Schemes and Crony Capitalism. In this attack she speaks about both Republicans and Democrats who curry favors for campaign cash. In Iowa she explicitly stated that  "I can't be bought!" She would not make this statement and then turn around and play kingmaker for one of these people.
2. She also stated that in her campaign she would NOT hire some political hack out of DC to say nice things about her on TV. Proving once again that she will not be a politician running for President BUT an American Citizen called to serve as President.

1. And the number one sign that she is running is that she has done nothing to discourage her supporters from Organizing groups like Organize4Palin, Youth for Palin, etc. And her family is behind her 100% including the Heaths who wouldn't let her lead people on. The fact that they were on her show and in the movie proves that she is serious as Sarah Palin would not allow people to organize on her behalf if she weren't running.

In conclusion Sarah Palin is running a brilliant Stealth Campaign for President of the United States of America all that remains is for the Mama Grizzly to make it official and announce that she is in fact running for President. A moment that Palinistas everywhere have been waiting 3 years for is close at hand. 

Palin 4 President 2012

9/25/2011 11:04:35 am

Yes I do believe the Higher Power will choose her to be Part of Divine Intervention! God Bless Sarah Palin And her family and Friends* God Bless* America~* Just a Midwest US Natural Born Patriot & Cowboy of Minnesota! adios*Stephan aka'ChuckNors'Stenzel

9/26/2011 12:35:04 am

I am stealing your quote "She will not be a politician running for President BUT an American Citizen called to serve as President" I also 100% agreew/Stephen God is giving us the solution..wonder how many people are willing to to see it.

9/27/2011 02:50:34 pm

i feel a great deal of strength and conviction for what is truly right for our country & people ! She is exactly what we need to put pride back in America ! I believe in her and has my vote !!! God Bless Sarah Palin ;)

9/29/2011 05:44:06 am

Sarah Palin is God's way of saying he is sorry for taking Ronald Reagan from us..she will run, she will win!


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