An Early February Entry by Sarah Palin Still Possible!

The Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire Primary are behind us and surprise surprise Mitt Romney the golden boy gameshow host wannabe establishment choice won both contests and the rest of the pack has failed to knock him off his pedestal of invincibility. With South Carolina and then Florida primaries looming the media and GOP are ready to crown Romney the nominee with just 60 of the needed 1144 delegates in hand. Michele Bachmann was the first to drop out this primary after finishing near the bottom of the pack in Iowa.  Now GOP establishment and the Tea Party Establishment are calling on 3 other candidates to drop out; namely Perry, Huntsman, and Santorum.  All in the rush to anoint Mitt Romney the nominee and Newt Gingrich his top opposition on the road there.
Not so fast Mitt, it's not over just yet. With the new layout of the primaries for the GOP making it so we have a longer more drawn out primary process like the Democrats had 4 years ago, it leaves the door open for a late entry candidate to join the fray and with Romney coronation under way that means only one person can enter and make an instant Impact.....Sarah Palin!
Governor Palin is the only one that has the backing, the PAC to raise funds, and the charisma and star power to rise up fast and knock Romney down a peg or three.  A better yet she has a plan and a message that resonates with the American people.  And finally she will energize the base like we need in order to beat Obama in November of this year.

Palin 2012!  The Dream Lives 


Beware of Deceptive Facebook Groups!

This has to be said given a recent trend on facebook. I have noticed several groups pop up that show Sarah Palin's picture with certain candidates. Most notably with Newt Gingrich in a group called "V" for Vote. I found myself in this group, which is very very pro Newt. Admins there will erase any mention of Sarah Palin possibly jumping in or reconsidering. If you bring up the fact that Sarah Palin hasn't endorsed anybody, they remove your comment.  If you speak the truth about Newt's record and his flaws you will find yourself banned in short order. This was my experience in this facebook group. I asked them to remove Sarah's picture since she has NOT endorsed Newt Gingrich or any candidate for that matter and their response was the removal of my comment and subsequent banning. And the deceptive picture is still up i am sure. I also received a message from one of the Newt supporters on the site, it was pretty nasty to say the least.

My point is beware of deceptive sites like V for Vote that make it appear that Palin is supporting one candidate or another. She has NOT made an endorsement and may very well jump in herself in the near future. So don't be fooled.