Waiting for the Sarah Palin Train to get rolling to the White House in 2012

There has been a lot of hype surrounding Sarah Palin and when she will announce that she is running for President. The most recent speculation was that she would announce on the Bob and Mark show this past Friday. It was leaked out, that she would in fact be on the show, it was hyped by several media sources. Every Palin supporter everywhere was excited and why not?  The moment we have been waiting for was finally going to happen right?
Well the show came on air the two hosts at first denied that she would be on then later said that Sarah would be on the show, they hyped it and milked it to the very end keeping her supporters in suspense. Then finally she was supposed to be coming on Next, the time came and Sarah called in and said she was running.....Only one problem though, it wasn't Governor Sarah Palin it was some dude pretending to be Sarah.  This was a publicity stunt for ratings and even more so a cruel joke pulled on millions of Palinistas across the country. In my opinion these two should apologize for their actions.
So the wait continues and so does the speculation.  We need to stop hyping certain days, getting everyone's hopes up only to be let down when Sarah herself NEVER confirmed any of it.
For those of you that are worried that it is too late for Sarah remember that Ronald Reagan didn't announce until November 13th, 1979 and he won in a huge landslide the following year. Now things have changed and filing deadlines have been moved up with the more front loaded primaries but Governor Sarah Palin still has until Halloween to announce and be on the ballot in every state. I will not speculate on when Sarah will announce only that it will be soon and when we least expect it. And when she does announce it will send shockwaves throughout the GOP Race and the political world. Keep the Faith.

Palin 2012

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