3 BIG Reasons Why Sarah Palin Must Run for President in 2012

As we all patiently await Sarah Palin's announcement on her Presidential bid, let me ponder what the field of contenders for the GOP Nomination would look like without our beloved Governor from Alaska

The Final 3 in the GOP Race without Sarah:

"The Crony Capitalist"
First up we have the current "Front Runner" Governor Rick Perry of Texas
Credentials: 3rd Term as Governor of the largest Red State
Positives: Executive Experience, Job Growth in state during his Tenure
Negatives: Gardasil Mandate, Crony Capitalism, Weak on Illegal Immigration, Friendly with Islam.
Conclusion: Rick Perry can NOT be trusted as the GOP nominee to face Barack Obama in the 2012 Election. We can't pit a Crony Capitalist against the Crony Socialist.
The Result: In a head to head against Obama there is a 75% chance that Perry loses and Obama gets elected to a 2nd term.

"The  Establishment Choice"
Next we have the heir apparant, the next in line; Mitt Romney former Governor of Massachusetts. The Front Runner until Perry's entry Mitt has slipped into 2nd place but many in the established Political Class still love him because after all he is supposed to be Mr. Electable.
Credentials:  Governor and a Businessman.
Positives:  Executive Experience and has managed a budget with experience turning things around like he did for the Olympics.
Negatives: RomneyCare, Ethanol Subsidies, Believes in Climate Change, Crony Capitalist, Status Quo Politician
Conclusion: We can NOT allow the media to select our candidate again and risk a repeat of 2008 in 2012.
The Result: In a head to head with Obama there is 90% Chance Romney loses and Obama gets Re elected.

"The Crazy Elf"
And lastly we have Congressman Ron Paul, he isn't really a contender BUT he just doesn't know when to pack it in so he will be among the final 3 standing should Palin not get in. Ron Paul has been in Congress for two decades without a single accomplishment to his name. His signature issue is the Fed which he has done nothing on in all his years.
Negatives: His Foreign Policy is ignorant and dangerous, His Social Policies are insane, and overall he is a fraud and hypocrite as he is a HUGE Pork spender.
Conclusion: Facing Ron Paul would be Obama's Dream Matchup as the Conservative base would not come out for Ron Paul.
The Result: Ron Paul has zero chance of winning and there is 100% chance of a landslide victory for Obama.

In conclusion Sarah Palin MUST Run for President otherwise we end up with the 3 Stooges to pick from for our nominee. Whether Sarah announces today or two weeks from now doesn't matter as long as she does and wins.

Palin 4 the Win 2012
isabel matos
9/16/2011 03:12:29 am

Mitt ROMNEY former corporate raider!


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