An Early February Entry by Sarah Palin Still Possible!

The Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire Primary are behind us and surprise surprise Mitt Romney the golden boy gameshow host wannabe establishment choice won both contests and the rest of the pack has failed to knock him off his pedestal of invincibility. With South Carolina and then Florida primaries looming the media and GOP are ready to crown Romney the nominee with just 60 of the needed 1144 delegates in hand. Michele Bachmann was the first to drop out this primary after finishing near the bottom of the pack in Iowa.  Now GOP establishment and the Tea Party Establishment are calling on 3 other candidates to drop out; namely Perry, Huntsman, and Santorum.  All in the rush to anoint Mitt Romney the nominee and Newt Gingrich his top opposition on the road there.
Not so fast Mitt, it's not over just yet. With the new layout of the primaries for the GOP making it so we have a longer more drawn out primary process like the Democrats had 4 years ago, it leaves the door open for a late entry candidate to join the fray and with Romney coronation under way that means only one person can enter and make an instant Impact.....Sarah Palin!
Governor Palin is the only one that has the backing, the PAC to raise funds, and the charisma and star power to rise up fast and knock Romney down a peg or three.  A better yet she has a plan and a message that resonates with the American people.  And finally she will energize the base like we need in order to beat Obama in November of this year.

Palin 2012!  The Dream Lives 


Beware of Deceptive Facebook Groups!

This has to be said given a recent trend on facebook. I have noticed several groups pop up that show Sarah Palin's picture with certain candidates. Most notably with Newt Gingrich in a group called "V" for Vote. I found myself in this group, which is very very pro Newt. Admins there will erase any mention of Sarah Palin possibly jumping in or reconsidering. If you bring up the fact that Sarah Palin hasn't endorsed anybody, they remove your comment.  If you speak the truth about Newt's record and his flaws you will find yourself banned in short order. This was my experience in this facebook group. I asked them to remove Sarah's picture since she has NOT endorsed Newt Gingrich or any candidate for that matter and their response was the removal of my comment and subsequent banning. And the deceptive picture is still up i am sure. I also received a message from one of the Newt supporters on the site, it was pretty nasty to say the least.

My point is beware of deceptive sites like V for Vote that make it appear that Palin is supporting one candidate or another. She has NOT made an endorsement and may very well jump in herself in the near future. So don't be fooled.


IMPACT 10.3 is Coming!

I have exciting news for everyone. I have started work on a project called IMPACT 10.3 which encompasses a blogtalkradio show event on Monday December 19th at 11AM Eastern Time that will be a discussion with Palin supporters about  the Earthquake and where it will lead in the future. The Impact will also be felt in the Earky Primary states as I am starting efforts for a Palin Grass roots effort in Iowam New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Florida. Anyone interested in being involved Please Contact me for instructions. Thanks!!/SarahPalinEarthquake10.3

Palin 2012


Who Are the True Palin Supporters?

The question was posed recently; Who are the True Palin supporters?
Are the true Palin supporters the ones that have moved on and are supporting other candidates? My answer is NO! Anyone that has just moved on to support someone else in this lackluster field before Palin even makes an endorsement is in my opinion a turncoat with no real convictions if they can just jump bandwagons so easily.
Are the True Palin supporters the ones that sit idoly by vetting other candidates having accepted and moved on from Sarah Palin and wait for either her endorsement or till they find a suitable candidate? Again my answer is NO! Anyone that can give up and quit on Sarah Palin so easily as if she can be replaced by anyone else is NOT a True Palin supporter. They are more like drones waiting for orders, no mind of their own to make their own decision.
Are the True Palin supporters the ones that were so upset that they have become anti Palin? Definitely No! Anyone that could turn against Palin so easily clearly never supported her or understood her message.
Finally are the True Palin supporters the ones involved with the Earthquake trying to get her to reconsider and Run for President in 2012 af ter all? An Emphatic YES! Sarah's Earthquake and all those that ask Palin to Reconsider or haven't given up on Palin 2012 are in my opinion the True Palin supporters because they are not just talkers they are doers. They have taken what Palin has said and taught us as inspiration and fuel and started our own campaign to fight for Sarah the way she has fought for us. We have taken action while others wait, We lead while others follow. We are the realization of Sarah's vision; We are People that have No Title and We are making a difference. So Yes We Sarah's Earthquake and all those that still support Palin 2012 are the True Palin supporters everone else is either a turncoat or a follower.


A Palin Presidential Run is NOT only Desired it is NEEDED!

With the suspension of Herman Cain's Campaign that leaves just  8 candidates vying for the GOP Nomination in 2012 there is a huge void for an authentic conservative with a message that resonates with the People. That void would be filled if and when Sarah Palin enters the race with the Iowa Caucus less then a month from now Sarah Palin still has time but not alot if she intends on running for this nomination. If she doesn't enter we will be left to choose from a lackluster field of candidates:

This lackluster field will insure Obama's re election and We The People Can NOT afford to let that happen that is why WE need Sarah Palin to reconsider and Run for President in 2012. She already has the message she just needs to run with it.  She not only can win she is the ONLY one that can WIN against Obama.

Sarah Palin is the Leader of the Conservative movement for the 21st century and her Bold, Courageous, and Fearless style of Leadership will bring about the Great Restoration of America.


Check out the Sarah's Earthquake Store!

Sarah's Earthquake facebook page has opened an online store where you can purchase Palin and Earthquake merchandise. Please Check it out here:

And the Facebook page for the store is here:!/EarthQuakeStore

Please make some purchases to support Sarah Palin and the Earthquake!


Conservatives DESPARATE for Anyone But Romney in Palin's Absence!

As the Iowa draws near a candidate has yet to emerge from this lackluster field of so called candidates. In the summer we saw Bachmann rise to the top following the Ames, Iowa Straw Poll which she won only to fall upon Governor Rick Perry's entry into the race. The Gardasil mandate, the crony capitalism surrounding it, and bad debate performances led to Perry's fall from the top. And Bachmann's over reach on the vaccine and the side effects led to her further plummet. Next it was Cain's turn to shine only to see his brief stint at the top falter after allegations of sexual misconduct came to light combined with his inability to answer foreign policy questions thus the biggest enigma in the race has fallen back into the pack. Now it is Newt's turn at the top,  yes conservatives have become so desparate for anybody but Romney that they have turned to Uber establishment RINO Newt Gingrich, already new dirt is out on Newt that he took money from Freddie Mac. If the past two months have proven anything it is that there is a HUGE void in this Presidential Race. We lack a TRUE 100% Unapologetic Authentic Conservative someone with a record of accomplishments and  REAL  Reform.  There is ONLY one person that fits that description......Sarah Palin!  It has become obvious that without Palin in the race Romney will win this nomination with ease and go on to LOSE to Barack Obama in 2012.  America can NOT afford 4 more years of Obama. So I humbly request that Sarah Palin PLEASE reconsider and RUN for President in 2012, your country NEEDS you!

Palin 2012


Sarah Palin remains ONLY one that can beat Obama in 2012!

Last night in Las Vegas, Nevada the candidates for the GOP Presidential Nomination debated for the eighth time. What if anything did we learn from this debate?
Nothing that we didn't already know, that they bicker amongst themselves like children, that Papa Newt tries to stay out of the fray, BUT none of them and I mean NONE of THEM have any substance. None of them has a plan on how to deal with the problems this country faces in the economy,  immigration, foreign policy, national security, energy, etc.  None of them can stick to the question asked of them as they wander off on tangents to get their talking points in.  Nobody has risen to the top to seize the True front runner status. Sure any one of them with two exceptions could out debate Obama in our eyes but in those debates which are designed to make the Democrat look good, the ONLY way to win is to fluster the Democrat in this case Obama and make him slip up in a BIG way. You can ONLY do that if you are on the attack, and you have a clear clut plan, an alternative to Obama's plan. Talking points and platitudes aren't going to cut it, Saying "I have a plan" simply is NOT enough for voters as McCain found out in 2008. Peopl want details, they want specifics of what you would do different. And most of all they want someone with Convictions and a record to back it up, sadly the ONLY one that has both of those qualities, that has a plan, that has that substance, that fire in her belly, the LEADERSHIP necessary to be President;  was NOT on that stage last night and if we are to believe her October 5th statement is not even running for president. I have to tell you but if this lot is all that we have to choose from for 2012 our prospects of winning are pretty slim. We can ONLY hope that Governor Sarah Palin reconsiders her decision and Runs for President after all.

Palin 2012


Sarah Palin in South Korea: America is due for a Female President!

Monday evening in Seoul, South Korea Governor Sarah Palin stated flat out that "America is due for a Female President" !  What did she mean by this? Obviously she can ONLY be talking about herself because there is nobody else on the horizon that can win the Presidency right now. Could she be hinting that she is reconsidering her decision?  Only time will tell, but we have renewed hope of a Palin 2012 campaign.

Palin for President 2012


We Are Sarah's Earthquake!

I am VERY excited about the new movement that has sprung up on Facebook called Sarah's Earthquake! This page which I am apart of by the way seeks to bring together ALL Palin supporters towards the common goal of creating a groundswell of support for Sarah Palin in the wake of her decision and thus create an Earthquake of support for her that will HOPEFULLY convince her to reconsider her decision and Run for President in 2012. This movement is respectful and our goal is to make every effort we can to get Sarah Palin to Run!  This group was founded on Friday October 7th, 2011 by Sandra Bailey isnpired by Sarah's comments about an earthquake and within 24 hours membership exploded to over 4300 it has stagnated thanks to hateful trolls but this early explosion is encouraging and hopefully we can regain the momentum. On Monday members  barraged the Bob and Mark show in Alaska with calls promoting the Earthquake movement and we will continue to get the word out there for the nation to see.   So if you are a TRUE Sarah Palin supporter
I ask you to