The Mama Grizzly and The Iron Lady

As many of you know Governor Sarah Palin greatly admires former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.
I believe that Sarah Palin is the America's Margaret Thatcher. And heres why:
Margaret Thatcher nicknamed "the Iron Lady" for her stern tough convictions representing conservative values of less government and fiscal responsibility.
Sarah Palin known as the "Mama Grizzly" for her fierce convictions and family values such as the support for Pro Life and Education Reform, Energy Reform, and Fiscal Responsibility through reduced spending and taxes plus limited government for job creation to the benefit of working families.
Thatcher was the first Female Prima Minister of Great Britain.
Sarah Palin was the first Female VP Candidate for the GOP and she will be the first Female President of the United States of America.
The Establishment Elite mocked Thatcher's appearance and her voice and was deemed unfit to lead, but with her Iron will and determination she proved them all wrong and led Britain into prosperity.
Now the Establishment mock Sarah Palin's appearance, her clothes, her voice, and say she is stupid and unelectable, but Sarah Palin has proven them wrong before and will do so again in 2012.
In conclusion Governor Sarah Palin like Lady Thatcher will prove to be a Great Leader for her country. In short Palin will do for America what Thatcher did for Britain and then some.

Palin 2012

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