Sarah Palin remains ONLY one that can beat Obama in 2012!

Last night in Las Vegas, Nevada the candidates for the GOP Presidential Nomination debated for the eighth time. What if anything did we learn from this debate?
Nothing that we didn't already know, that they bicker amongst themselves like children, that Papa Newt tries to stay out of the fray, BUT none of them and I mean NONE of THEM have any substance. None of them has a plan on how to deal with the problems this country faces in the economy,  immigration, foreign policy, national security, energy, etc.  None of them can stick to the question asked of them as they wander off on tangents to get their talking points in.  Nobody has risen to the top to seize the True front runner status. Sure any one of them with two exceptions could out debate Obama in our eyes but in those debates which are designed to make the Democrat look good, the ONLY way to win is to fluster the Democrat in this case Obama and make him slip up in a BIG way. You can ONLY do that if you are on the attack, and you have a clear clut plan, an alternative to Obama's plan. Talking points and platitudes aren't going to cut it, Saying "I have a plan" simply is NOT enough for voters as McCain found out in 2008. Peopl want details, they want specifics of what you would do different. And most of all they want someone with Convictions and a record to back it up, sadly the ONLY one that has both of those qualities, that has a plan, that has that substance, that fire in her belly, the LEADERSHIP necessary to be President;  was NOT on that stage last night and if we are to believe her October 5th statement is not even running for president. I have to tell you but if this lot is all that we have to choose from for 2012 our prospects of winning are pretty slim. We can ONLY hope that Governor Sarah Palin reconsiders her decision and Runs for President after all.

Palin 2012


Sarah Palin in South Korea: America is due for a Female President!

Monday evening in Seoul, South Korea Governor Sarah Palin stated flat out that "America is due for a Female President" !  What did she mean by this? Obviously she can ONLY be talking about herself because there is nobody else on the horizon that can win the Presidency right now. Could she be hinting that she is reconsidering her decision?  Only time will tell, but we have renewed hope of a Palin 2012 campaign.

Palin for President 2012


We Are Sarah's Earthquake!

I am VERY excited about the new movement that has sprung up on Facebook called Sarah's Earthquake! This page which I am apart of by the way seeks to bring together ALL Palin supporters towards the common goal of creating a groundswell of support for Sarah Palin in the wake of her decision and thus create an Earthquake of support for her that will HOPEFULLY convince her to reconsider her decision and Run for President in 2012. This movement is respectful and our goal is to make every effort we can to get Sarah Palin to Run!  This group was founded on Friday October 7th, 2011 by Sandra Bailey isnpired by Sarah's comments about an earthquake and within 24 hours membership exploded to over 4300 it has stagnated thanks to hateful trolls but this early explosion is encouraging and hopefully we can regain the momentum. On Monday members  barraged the Bob and Mark show in Alaska with calls promoting the Earthquake movement and we will continue to get the word out there for the nation to see.   So if you are a TRUE Sarah Palin supporter
I ask you to


Sarah Palin the Underdog!

Now for one of the blogs I was inspired to do after watching the Undefeated before the SHOCKING events onf 10/05/11:
Sarah Palin is a Fighter and an Underdog. She is ALWAYS underestimated which leads to her arrogant opponants downfall.  She reminds me of another scrappy underdog......Rocky Balboa!!! Say what you want but Rocky NEVER backed down from a fight.  His opponants were bigger, stronger, had more experience, and high paid trainers or in some cases steroids, BUT he never backed down and he wound up proving all his critics wrong as he beat Opponant after Opponant. That's Sarah Palin she beat a seasoned politician for Mayor TWICE in landslides. She then went on to beat incumbant Governor Frank Murkowski who had the whole GOP machine behind him and go on to become Governor of Alaska. Beating Obama is here NEXT big fight that is why I hope she reconsiders her decision and steps up to the challenge finally sending Obama packing back to Chicago.

Palin 2012


The Decision and The Aftermath!

On October 5th, 2011 Sarah Palin made an anouncement.
It was on the Mark Levin Show she announced that she was NOT going to seek the GOP Nomination for President in 2012.  I like many of you felt like I had been punched in the gut. I have been a Hardcore Sarah Palin supporter since August 29th, 2008. Having met Governor Palin in November of 2009 I know she is the Real Deal. Having watched the Undefeated less than 24 hours before which had convinced me she was gonna run; this announcement SHOCKED ME!!!! It absolutely made no sense at all. The Best place for someone of Sarah Palin's caliber is at the top of the ticket NOT on the sidelines. The Sarah Palin I know is a fighter and this campaign against Obama was her next fight. We need her on the debate stage not in the corner of some lackluster candidate playing kingmaker. She said that her family needs to return to normalcy, I can understand that after all they have been through, BUT how are they to return to normalcy when she will still be campaigning for candidates and very much in the spotlight? If anything her decision has made it worse as some Palin supporters feel betrayed by her. It doesn't pass the smell test for me, there is more to this than we have been told. My gut tells me she and her family were threatened from on high in the GOP. Whatever it was that led her to this "decision" I hope and PRAY that Sarah Palin reconsiders because her country NEEDS her NOW!

Palin 2012


Sarah Palin is a Natural Born Leader!

Hey Everybody I bought my copy of  The Undefeated yesterday and watched it last night here my thoughts on the movie:
First I was once again amazed at Sarah Palin's brilliance this movie shows anyone that watches it the unvarnished truth about this remarkable woman and afterwards nobody will be able to deny her Courage and Leadership Ability.  Not only is she qualified for the job of President but she is the only one I want for the job.
Sarah Palin is a Natural.  A Natural Speaker, a Natural Communicator, and Best of all a Natural Born Leader. It all comes naturally to her, she speaks from her heart, she means what she says and will carry through on it. She is authentic and 100% Genuine American Patriot.
Sarah Palin is a Fighter. She has a steel fortified spine, she is fearless, and shows great Fortitude as she stares down her opponants. Sarah Palin does not back down from a challenge. She fights corruption, she fights the bullies. She is the People's Champion.
Sarah Palin has a Servants Heart. She is not in this for herself. She is in this for her family and for all of us because she sees inherant corruption and knows that nobody else will do anything about it. She saw it in her town of Wasilla, Alaska and she ran for Mayor and she won 2 terms. She saw it in her state so she ran for Governor of Alaska and she won beating the machine. And now she sees it in DC so she will Run for President against Barack Hussein Obama in 2012 and she will WIN.  Sarah Palin is


The Undefeated is released on DVD!

This Tuesday October 4th, 2011 the documentary film about Sarah Palin's Governorship "The Undefeated" is released on DVD. I am looking forward to finally being able to see this movie. I have heard the rave reviews but since it wasn't playing near me was unable to see it in theaters. This 2 hour movie sets the Record straight on Sarah Palin and exposes all the lies and smears that have been said about her. At a future date look forward to my review of this film.  Sarah Palin The Undefeated! Rent it, Buy it, and Watch it!

                             Sarah Palin The Undefeated


Ghouls and Zombies that the Elites in the GOP won't let Rest!

In the spirit of Halloween which is less then a month away I thought I would highlight some ghouls that are haunting the GOP Presidential field. While we all await Sarah Palin's grand entrance. The GOP Establishment Elites are scrambling to find anyone, ANYONE BUT SARAH to be the guy. Their GUY!!!! Lets take a look at the specters that they won't let die and then some other ghouls that refuse to go away.

            Sarah Palin 2012

Chris Christie aka "the Blob"
The governor of New Jersey has repeatedly said NO! But the media, the elites, and powers that be in the GOP won't let this RINO fade back into the wood work. The same people that say that its too late for Sarah Palin who has yet to say no once, won't give up on this guy who has said NO! a thousand times already. Put it to rest already.

        GO AWAY!!!!!

Mike Huckabee aka Huckenstein
Then there is former Arkansas Governor and Fox News Host Mike Huckabee who said on his program live that he was not going to run now he is being pressured to get in by those that FEAR Sarah Palin. Huck needs to stay on FOX and away from a race he can't win.

       STAY OUT!!!!

Ron Paul aka the Crazy Elf
Texas Congressman Dr. Ron Paul is in the race but has zero shot of winning and he knows it.  But rather than except reality he insists on making a fool of himself and the GOP with insane comments like Iran should have nukes and Osama shouldn't have been killed, or most insane of all that there is no proof Al Qaeda was involved with 9/11. The guy is running for President but sounds more like Al Qaeda's Press agent. He needs to retire and go away so he can be forgotten.

    RETIRE NOW!!!!!!

Ron Paul Zombies
Even worse than the man himself are his devout crazy loon supporters that have formed a cult around this nutball Congressman from Texas. These people need to go back to their basements and their conspiracy theories.


Gary Johnson aka The Pothead
The Former Governor of New Mexico is basically a younger potsmoking version of Ron Paul with executive experience. He doesn't stand a chance and should hang it up already. What is it with Libertarians and not living in reality?

         GO SMOKE POT!!!!

Herman Cain aka the Godfather Pizza Beast
Herman Cain the CEO of Godfather's Pizza and former Fed Chairman has come out with a new 999 Plan which adds a new 9% Sales, this plan is a Road to Disaster and NOT just because flipped upside down it reads 666 but do we really need another tax to be abused? Together with his lack of a foreign policy and his dodgey answers saying he "will consult the experts" is NOT a plan it is a cop out.

     GO Back to PIZZA!

Newt Gingrich aka Newter the Grinch
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich's campaign is pretty much dead. He is a proven RINO with his attack on Paul Ryan's Budget 2012 plan, his support for Global Warming, and his support of a LIBERAL Republican in the NY 23 in 2009, He is an inside the Beltway Establishment GOP that puts Party before Principles.

    Go Back to FOX

Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, and John Huntsman aka the Vampires
Next we have the former governors of Utah and Massachusetts and the current Governor of Texas. These men are the definition of Crony Capitalist Hypocrites. The type of people that believe do as i say not as I do. They criticize Obama for things they themselves have done which puts them in weak standing. As Crony Capitalists they bring in BIG $Money$ in return for favors. they suck the public dry for their own gain.  They got Charisma and charm and the weak fall prey to their lies. But we need to return them back to where they came from.

    Just Say NO!!!!!

In conclusion there is ONLY one candidate that can put these ghouls to rest finally and that is Governor Sarah Palin the People's Voice, the People's Champion, and our Leader.

          RUN SARAH RUN!!!!!!

Happy Halloween!