Sarah Palin vs Rick Perry over Government Mandated Vaccines

Once again last night Governors Sarah Palin of Alaska and Rick Perry of Texas differed on a Key Issue. This time it was whether or not the Government has the right to mandate a vaccine for young girls.
Governor Palin's position on the issue of whether or not the Government should mandate the Gardicil vaccine for young girls was a flat out NO! When presented with the matter as Governor she said NO that decision should be left upto the parents NOT the Government.
Sarah Palin scores again. She is 100% Right on this issue, the Government should not be mandating ANY vaccines or anything in regards to Health, those choices should be left to the People.

Governor Rick Perry on the otherhand decided that HE and the Government knew what was Best for young girls and signed an executive order mandating the vaccine. Why would a so called conservative do this? Well last night in the GOP Debate Congresswoman Michele Bachmann revealed that Perry's former chief of staff went on to become the lobbyist for Merck the company that issues the vaccine and stood make make millions due to the mandate. And it also came out that the Governor received campaign contributions from Merck.

This is the Very definition of what Sarah Palin calls Crony Capitalism that palm greasing that goes on in DC, the corruption that stalls the work of the people and creates bitter partisanship. Rick Perry is a Crony Capitalist thus he is part of the problem NOT the solution.

Once again a contrast between two Governors one's reflex is to stand on Principle and Conviction by standing with the People and letting them make their own decisions on this issue.  And the others reflex was to crumble, sellout,  and decide that Government knows best.  This is Why Sarah Palin MUST Run for President because ONLY she can fight for us, and she is the ONLY one we can Trust to do what is RIGHT.

Sarah Palin 2012

The Tale of  Two Governors: A Contrast in Leadership

This weekend we saw a contrast in Leadership styles or lack there of from two Republican contenders for the Presidency of the United States of America
first up there is Governor Rick Perry of Texas who failed to show upto a Meeting/Press Conference in Bastrop a community hit by wildfires where lives have been lost. He promised he would be there people came and waited and the Governor and Presidential hopeful failed to show up. The excuse was that he was tired from campaign fundraisers and that his campaign has hit like wildfire with money pouring in. Wow bad choice of words given the circumstances  You can read all about it in the article linked below:

I give Perry's leadership the grade of  F for failure.

And then there is Sarah Palin who on the 10th Anniversary of 9/11 posted the following on her Facebook:

Ten years ago today, ordinary Americans went to work or boarded a plane and found themselves fighting on the frontlines of a battle they did not choose. They acquitted themselves with grace and courage, just as the thousands of men and women who enlisted to fight in our armed forces—many on the anniversaries of this day—in order to exact justice for their fellow Americans. We will never forget those who died ten years ago today, we will never forget those who died in the war that started on that day, and we ask God to comfort and bless their families. From across this great nation, grateful Americans honor those who defend our homeland. God bless America.

- Sarah Palin

Those are the words of a TRUE Leader thus I give Sarah Palin's Leadership the grade of A+++ for Amazing, Awesome, and Admirable.
With this contrast in Leadership the Choice is Clear Sarah Palin must be our candidate for 2012.
Sarah Palin 2012

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Sarah Palin VS The Elite Establishment
Don't believe the Polls that say that the majority of Americans don't want Sarah Palin to run for President in 2012  like Sarah said in Iowa "polls are for strippers and cross country skiers" don't believe them at all especially when it comes to Sarah Palin.  The media uses polls to sway public opinion to spin their narrative of how they want things to turn out. The Left want Romney as our nominee and gleefully sing his praises of how "electable" he is, remember they did this 2008 with John McCain the media want us to forget that after McCain whom they praised as the most "electable" became the nominee they proceeded to tear him to shreds, the long knives came out and Mr. Electable McCain was trounced. They are doing the same thing this time with Romney they praise him now but later out come the knives, don't be led like sheep by the very people that want to see Obama re elected.
Then you have FOX and the GOP Establishment Elites who also like Romney, but others like Perry, or are pushing for the likes of Chris Christie or John Huntsman. Yet again these people have an agenda they either want to lose in 2012 so Jeb can get his chance in 2016 or if they Win they want a guy that they can control someone that will maintain the status quo business as usual big government GOP types. This is why BOTH Sides HATE Sarah Palin and have tried to belittle her, demean her, smear her, and out right destroy this womans credibility with their constant attacks for 3 YEARS, but they have failed so they have to Push this nonsense that she isn't going to Run and that she isn't "Electable" because they FEAR her because she will root out the corruption of Crony pay for play Capitalism, she will shake DC to its core and Break the Status Quo and they can't have that, so they attack her. Well We the People got news for the Elites: "You don't choose our Candidate We Do! And We Want Sarah Palin to be our Next President"

Go Get em Sarah! Game On!

Why Sarah Palin is the NEXT George Washington
Sarah Palin is Like George Washington because she is the Reluctant Servant that is being called to serve by the People of this GREAT Nation just like General George Washington. She is a woman of Principle, Character, and high Moral Convictions. She can't be bought and she will do what she says she is going to do as a woman of  her word. Our Founding Fathers would be Proud.

Sarah Palin is the LEADER  We the People NEED to Restore America to its Founding Principles and to Great Prosperity for Generations to come.

Why Sarah Palin is the NEXT Ronald Reagan!
Sarah Palin is the Next Ronald Reagan because like Reagan she is criticized and ridiculed as crazy and extreme. She has been called stupid by the media just like Reagan was in 1979.  They have attacked her on all fronts and from all sides, they have said she is "unelectable" they said the very same things about Ronald Reagan and guess what he won in two Historic Landslide Victories where his opponants garnered 49 and 13 electoral votes in 1980 and 1984 elections respectively.

Palin is the ONLY one that can unite the 3 legged stool of Fiscal Conservatives, Peace through Strength Conservatives, and Social Conservatives that has the proven Record of accomplishments as Governor and that can't be bought by Special Interests.

                                                  SARAH PALIN the NEXT GREAT REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT



Qualities  for a Conservative Candidate

#42. Unabashedly, Unapologetically, Proud Conservative

#41. Strongly Believes in the Culture of Life.

#40. Will Respect America's Military and use them wisely

#39. Won't be Beholden to the U.N.

#38. Will Protect American Sovereignty

#37. Believes in a Conservative Foreign Policy

#36. Believes in a Strong Defense

#35. Patriotic American

#34. Embraces God-Family-Country

#33. Able to Connect with the Average American

#32. Friend of Israel

#31. Traditional Family Values

#30. Bold and Courageous.

#29. Has Convictions

#28. Fearless

#27. Not GOP Establishment

#26. Unconventional

#25. Supports the TEA Party

#24. Believes in Founding Principles

#23. Feared by the Left

#22. Principled Social Conservative

#21. Capable and Proven Reformer

#20. Empathy and Sympathy

#19. A Commoner(Not Elite)

#18. Different Path( Not a Lawyer)

#17. Entrepreneaur-Small Business

#16. Fiscal Conservative

#15. Executive Experience

#14. True to their Word

#13. Charismatic

#12. Has a BackBone

#11. A Parent w/ Typical Family Issues

#10. Down to Earth-Humble

#09. Has a Military Tie

#08. Washington Outsider

#07. God Fearing- Believes in God.

#06. Record of Accomplishments

#05. A Communicator

#04. Real and Genuine

#03. Public Servant

#02. Not a Typical Politician

#01. A Leader- Leads by Example. 

Governor Sarah Palin is the ONLY one that exemplifies ALL 42 of these traits

Essentials for an Electable Presidential Candidates

Candidate MUST possess these essentials to be Electable:
  1.  Authenticity- They have to be believable as a Conservative. This is vitally important
  2.  Compelling-They have to be able to speak and grasp peoples attention
  3.   Energy-They have to provide energy and not bore people to sleep
  4.   Clean Record-They have to be able to attack the opposition on their record, on the issues and not have to defend theirs
Six Key Issues:
  1. HealthCare
  2. Energy
  3. Immigration
  4. Spending/Taxes/Debt
  5. Jobs/Economy
  6. Israel/Palestine
A Candidate MUST be able to:
  1. Fund Raiser- They have to be able to raise money to compete.
  2. Draw Crowds-They have to draw crowds of people to show energy and momentum behind them.
  3. Grassroots/Netroots Support-They have to have Grassroots people campaigning for them at the local level. NetRoots are also important with todays technology.
Last a Republican Presidential Candidate MUST be Conservative on Social Issues

1.  Abortion-They MUST be Pro Life and support the overturning of Roe V Wade and the eventual 100% ban

2.  Same Sex Marriage-They MUST support traditional marriage between 1 Man and 1 Woman and be prepared        to ban same sex marriage via Constitutional Amendment if neccessary.

3.  Creeping Sharia-They MUST stand against the use of Sharia in courts and the creeping sharia in this country,  they must stand opposed to the Ground Zero Mosque.

4.   Embryonic Stem Cell Research- They MUST oppose the use of embryos for research and be against cloning.

If a candidate possesses ALL of these they are electable.

Governor Sarah Palin is the ONLY one that possesses ALL of these Essentials in spades making her the most Electable of Any candidate out there.

Despite what the MsM and FOX tells you Sarah Palin is the MOST Electable Candidate she is the ONLY one that exemplifies everything above, and the ONLY one that will fulfill her promises.

What the Media and Establishments want everyone to forget is that the Republican base is Socially, Fiscally conservative, Peace through Strength foreign policy conservatives without one of these traits a candidate will fail with only two legs on the stool. Most commonly cast aside are the Social Conservatives the largest voting block for the party who have no qualms staying home if they aren't represented. This is Why moderates always lose for Republicans in Presidential Elections, they lose their base and aren't authentic enough, don't have the energy of the base thus lose fickle moderates that go where the energy is. Sarah Palin will bring together the 3 legs of the GOP base, she will bring in the TEA Party Independents/Conservatives, and she will bring in dissaffected Hilary voters. She is the ONLY one with the guts to call it like it is and to stand upto the corruption on BOTH sides.

Palin 2012

 The Palin Plan

Sarah Palin’s Five points on how to restore America taken from her September 3rd, 2011 Iowa speech.

1. An end to expanding the federal government via a respect for the Tenth Amendment.

2. Repealing Obamacare.

3. No more runaway debt. This necessitates prioritizing and cutting spending. Entitlement Reform NOW before its forced upon us. No more using Seniors Social Security Checks or Soldiers pay as bargaining chips. No More borrowing, printing, and ever expanding debt.

4. Energy independence, an “all of the above energy policy.” She distilled it down to this: “America’s economic revival starts with America’s energy revival.” Drill here, and Drill NOW, Build those refineries, Nuclear Power Plants, Gas Pipelines, etc. Stimulus Projects that won't cost us a dime and will actually bring money in to go towards paying down the debt.

5. Making America the most attractive country to do business. Included in this is eliminating all federal corporate taxes, which frees up job-creators but requires that they “stand or fall on their own.” No more "Corporate Welfare" which means an end to TARP and Subsidies

A SIXTH POINT that I got from the Speech

6. An end to the Pay for Play Crony Capitalism which means an end to earmark payoffs to special interests and campaign contributions in exchange for favors from special interests.  She can't be  BOUGHT!


1. "We should only commit our forces when clear & vital American interests are at stake. Period."

2. "If we have to fight, we fight to win. To do that we use overwhelming force. We only send our troops into war with the objective to defeat the enemy as quickly as possible. We do not send our military and stretch out the mission with an open-ended and ill-defined mission. Nation building is a nice idea in theory but, it's not the main purpose of our armed forces. We use our military to win wars."

3. "We must have clearly defined goals & objectives before sending troops into harm's way. If you can't explain the mission to the American people clearly, concisely then our sons & daughters should not be sent into battle. Period."

4. "American soldiers must never be put under foreign command. We will fight side-by-side with our allies but American soldiers must remain under the care and the command of the American officers."

5. "Sending our armed forces should be the last resort; we don't go looking for dragons to slay. However, we will encourage the forces of freedom around the world who are sincerely fighting for the empowerment of the individual. When it makes sense, when it's appropriate, we'll provide them with support and help them win their own freedom. We're not indifferent to the cause of human rights or the desire for freedom. We're always on the side of those. But, we can't fight every war. We can't undo every injustice around the world. But, with strength & clarity in those 5 points we'll make for a safer, more prosperous, more peaceful world because as the U.S. leads by example, as the we support freedom across the globe we're going to prove that free and healthy countries they don't wage war on other free and healthy countries. The stronger we are the stronger and more peaceful the world will be under our example."

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