Sarah Palin Out of Nowhere!

This week on Wednesday September 28th, 2011 Frank Aquila author of the book "Sarah Palin Out of Nowhere" will be a guest on my BlogTalkRadio Show the Radical Edge. Be sure to Tune in at 11 AM Eastern Time/8 AM Pacific as I interview Frank.

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Former McCain chairman explains why he lobbied for Governor Palin as vice president
“Sarah Palin Out of Nowhere” by Frank A. Aquila attempts to be a handbook to assist conservatives in their fight against what he feels is the liberal direction of America
MANTECA, Calif. – When Frank A. Aquila started the political grassroots organization South San Joaquin Republicans, he didn’t expect to become the county chairman for Senator John McCain’s 2008 political run. His new position put him in contact with several political powerhouses and allowed him to lobby for Governor Sarah Palin to be on the 2008 presidential ticket. Aquila details why he lobbied for the famed politician, the concern he has for America and his hopes for the future of America in “Sarah Palin Out of Nowhere” (ISBN 1463640390).
Aquila, a major supporter of Palin on the presidential ticket, shares his unedited correspondence with the McCain campaign before it was announced that Palin would be his running mate. Aquila explains how she lit up the presidential ticket with her qualities that he compares to former President Ronald Reagan.
The author doesn’t ignore the Palin backlash, but rather approaches it head on, and explains why the media has been so hostile to Governor Palin and other conservatives. He compares and contrasts the media’s perception of Palin versus President Barack Obama. Aquila analyzes Obama’s plans for the future, while explaining Palin’s and the Tea Party’s hopes for small government that American’s founding fathers established centuries ago.
“I interject my own thoughts on hot topics affecting America in various letters throughout the work,” Aquila says. “I share my predictions for the 2012 election, and what I think will be best for this country’s future. Some readers will agree with me, others will not, but my goal is to provide an accurate depiction of Governor Palin.”
Author and journalist Joan Swirsky states, “Aquila’s efforts helped catapult an amazing but relatively unknown political figure onto the national and international stage, and introduced the entire world to perhaps the most exciting political figure to come along in generations. Aquila wants everyone who reads his book to know that every person can do the same.”
Aquila believes that “Sarah Palin Out of Nowhere” has the information and tools necessary to inform conservatives how to fight back against the liberal media. He hopes that his expose of President Obama and his plans for America inspires readers to think further about their decisions for future elections.
“Sarah Palin Out of Nowhere” is available for sale online at and other channels.
About the Author:
Frank A. Aquila currently serves as the president of the South San Joaquin Republicans, an organization he founded to network area conservatives to get involved in the political process and meet their area representatives. Through this organization, he met former President George W. Bush and has had the opportunity to moderate congressional forums and organize an event for Gold Star military families. He also served as the California delegate for the Republican Party for his county through which he became the San Joaquin County chairman of Senator John McCain’s presidential run in 2008. 

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