Sarah Palin remains ONLY one that can beat Obama in 2012!

Last night in Las Vegas, Nevada the candidates for the GOP Presidential Nomination debated for the eighth time. What if anything did we learn from this debate?
Nothing that we didn't already know, that they bicker amongst themselves like children, that Papa Newt tries to stay out of the fray, BUT none of them and I mean NONE of THEM have any substance. None of them has a plan on how to deal with the problems this country faces in the economy,  immigration, foreign policy, national security, energy, etc.  None of them can stick to the question asked of them as they wander off on tangents to get their talking points in.  Nobody has risen to the top to seize the True front runner status. Sure any one of them with two exceptions could out debate Obama in our eyes but in those debates which are designed to make the Democrat look good, the ONLY way to win is to fluster the Democrat in this case Obama and make him slip up in a BIG way. You can ONLY do that if you are on the attack, and you have a clear clut plan, an alternative to Obama's plan. Talking points and platitudes aren't going to cut it, Saying "I have a plan" simply is NOT enough for voters as McCain found out in 2008. Peopl want details, they want specifics of what you would do different. And most of all they want someone with Convictions and a record to back it up, sadly the ONLY one that has both of those qualities, that has a plan, that has that substance, that fire in her belly, the LEADERSHIP necessary to be President;  was NOT on that stage last night and if we are to believe her October 5th statement is not even running for president. I have to tell you but if this lot is all that we have to choose from for 2012 our prospects of winning are pretty slim. We can ONLY hope that Governor Sarah Palin reconsiders her decision and Runs for President after all.

Palin 2012

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