The Decision and The Aftermath!

On October 5th, 2011 Sarah Palin made an anouncement.
It was on the Mark Levin Show she announced that she was NOT going to seek the GOP Nomination for President in 2012.  I like many of you felt like I had been punched in the gut. I have been a Hardcore Sarah Palin supporter since August 29th, 2008. Having met Governor Palin in November of 2009 I know she is the Real Deal. Having watched the Undefeated less than 24 hours before which had convinced me she was gonna run; this announcement SHOCKED ME!!!! It absolutely made no sense at all. The Best place for someone of Sarah Palin's caliber is at the top of the ticket NOT on the sidelines. The Sarah Palin I know is a fighter and this campaign against Obama was her next fight. We need her on the debate stage not in the corner of some lackluster candidate playing kingmaker. She said that her family needs to return to normalcy, I can understand that after all they have been through, BUT how are they to return to normalcy when she will still be campaigning for candidates and very much in the spotlight? If anything her decision has made it worse as some Palin supporters feel betrayed by her. It doesn't pass the smell test for me, there is more to this than we have been told. My gut tells me she and her family were threatened from on high in the GOP. Whatever it was that led her to this "decision" I hope and PRAY that Sarah Palin reconsiders because her country NEEDS her NOW!

Palin 2012

10/10/2011 02:34:30 am

C'mon Sarah, you are a fighter not a looser... you have a commitment to clean up Washington and the mafia in our nation's capital...C'mon mama BEAR !!


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