Sarah Palin is a Natural Born Leader!

Hey Everybody I bought my copy of  The Undefeated yesterday and watched it last night here my thoughts on the movie:
First I was once again amazed at Sarah Palin's brilliance this movie shows anyone that watches it the unvarnished truth about this remarkable woman and afterwards nobody will be able to deny her Courage and Leadership Ability.  Not only is she qualified for the job of President but she is the only one I want for the job.
Sarah Palin is a Natural.  A Natural Speaker, a Natural Communicator, and Best of all a Natural Born Leader. It all comes naturally to her, she speaks from her heart, she means what she says and will carry through on it. She is authentic and 100% Genuine American Patriot.
Sarah Palin is a Fighter. She has a steel fortified spine, she is fearless, and shows great Fortitude as she stares down her opponants. Sarah Palin does not back down from a challenge. She fights corruption, she fights the bullies. She is the People's Champion.
Sarah Palin has a Servants Heart. She is not in this for herself. She is in this for her family and for all of us because she sees inherant corruption and knows that nobody else will do anything about it. She saw it in her town of Wasilla, Alaska and she ran for Mayor and she won 2 terms. She saw it in her state so she ran for Governor of Alaska and she won beating the machine. And now she sees it in DC so she will Run for President against Barack Hussein Obama in 2012 and she will WIN.  Sarah Palin is

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