Beware of Deceptive Facebook Groups!

This has to be said given a recent trend on facebook. I have noticed several groups pop up that show Sarah Palin's picture with certain candidates. Most notably with Newt Gingrich in a group called "V" for Vote. I found myself in this group, which is very very pro Newt. Admins there will erase any mention of Sarah Palin possibly jumping in or reconsidering. If you bring up the fact that Sarah Palin hasn't endorsed anybody, they remove your comment.  If you speak the truth about Newt's record and his flaws you will find yourself banned in short order. This was my experience in this facebook group. I asked them to remove Sarah's picture since she has NOT endorsed Newt Gingrich or any candidate for that matter and their response was the removal of my comment and subsequent banning. And the deceptive picture is still up i am sure. I also received a message from one of the Newt supporters on the site, it was pretty nasty to say the least.

My point is beware of deceptive sites like V for Vote that make it appear that Palin is supporting one candidate or another. She has NOT made an endorsement and may very well jump in herself in the near future. So don't be fooled.

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