We Are Sarah's Earthquake!

I am VERY excited about the new movement that has sprung up on Facebook called Sarah's Earthquake! This page which I am apart of by the way seeks to bring together ALL Palin supporters towards the common goal of creating a groundswell of support for Sarah Palin in the wake of her decision and thus create an Earthquake of support for her that will HOPEFULLY convince her to reconsider her decision and Run for President in 2012. This movement is respectful and our goal is to make every effort we can to get Sarah Palin to Run!  This group was founded on Friday October 7th, 2011 by Sandra Bailey isnpired by Sarah's comments about an earthquake and within 24 hours membership exploded to over 4300 it has stagnated thanks to hateful trolls but this early explosion is encouraging and hopefully we can regain the momentum. On Monday members  barraged the Bob and Mark show in Alaska with calls promoting the Earthquake movement and we will continue to get the word out there for the nation to see.   So if you are a TRUE Sarah Palin supporter
I ask you to

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